
the giver

발음:   the giver 예문


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  1. He doesn't know the giver like i do.
    그 사람은 나처럼 해 주는 사람을 몰라서 그래
  2. No, indeed. The giver was a man of taste. Could you manage without me, while I visit the chandler?
    아니오 멋을 아는 분이 주셨지요
  3. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life,
    저희 마음을 성령으로 가득 채우시어 저희 안에 사랑의 불이 타오르게 하소서.
  4. The "givers" are the ones who give themselves to be disciples of Christ.
    "주는 자"들은 그리스도의 제자가 되기 위해 스스로를 주는 사람들입니다.
  5. We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life,
    우리는 성령을 믿는다. 그는 주님이시요.

기타 단어

  1. "the girl who saved the king of sweden" 뜻
  2. "the girl with all the gifts (film)" 뜻
  3. "the girl with the dragon tattoo" 뜻
  4. "the girl with the dragon tattoo (2009 film)" 뜻
  5. "the girl with the dragon tattoo (2011 film)" 뜻
  6. "the giver (film)" 뜻
  7. "the giving pledge" 뜻
  8. "the giving tree" 뜻
  9. "the glades (tv series)" 뜻
  10. "the girl with the dragon tattoo (2009 film)" 뜻
  11. "the girl with the dragon tattoo (2011 film)" 뜻
  12. "the giver (film)" 뜻
  13. "the giving pledge" 뜻